Guided Bloom

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EFT tapping was developed in 1990 by founder Gary Craig and it’s a mind-body approach that combines Eastern medicine techniques with more traditional Western psychotherapies. In 1995, a uniform method was manualised and since then, over 200 studies have been conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of clinical EFT.

EFT is psychological acupressure that restores balance to your body’s energy system. Based on Chinese medicine, meridian points are thought of as areas of the body that energy flows through. Any imbalance can influence ‘dis-ease’ or sickness.

In 2018 the Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases describes EFT as “combining elements of cognitive restructuring and exposure techniques with acupoint stimulation“.

The underlying principle of EFT is that all emotions and thoughts are forms of energy. This energy, whether positive or negative, has very real physical manifestations that affect all functions of the body.

EFT helps us tune in to the negative patterns that we form around our thoughts, feelings, or troubling memories. We tap on the pressure points while expressing our thoughts and emotions. When tapping and stimulating these points you are dispersing stuck energy throughout the body allowing it to shift, release and rebalance. This process reduces physical tension and promotes a deeper mind-body connection.

Scientific studies have proven that EFT enables the body to switch off the fight/flight/freeze response and settles the nervous system by reducing stress hormones such as cortisol. Studies have also shown that EFT supports helping with depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, body inflammations and even athletic performance.

EFT techniques can help identify a persons distortions, perceptions and emotions from the past and disrupt them to rewire the brain to respond in healthier ways, restoring the body’s balance of energy. The therapeutic effects of this method are widely recognised around the world.

EFT Improves Health Markers

  • 31% increase in happiness
  • 113% increase in immune system markers
  • 74% decrease in food cravings
  • 57% decrease in pain
  • 40% decrease in anxiety
  • 37% decrease in cortisol
  • 35% decrease in depression
  • 32% decrease in PTSD markers
  • 8% decrease in blood pressure

-Dr Peta Stapleton 2019

EFT and Cortisol

In 2020 with a randomised controlled trial conducted by Dr Peta Stapleton of Bond University, Australia, it found that one hour of EFT tapping reduced cortisol levels by up to 43%.

Reduction in Anxiety

A large study of 5000 patients seeking treatment for anxiety was conducted over the course of 5.5 years. One group received Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and medication if required. The other group received EFT Tapping and no medication. The results concluded that 90% of those who received EFT Tapping reported a reduction in anxiety symptoms, taking an average of three sessions to achieve this result. Only 63% of those in the CBT group experienced a reduction in anxiety.  When followed up one year later, 78% of the EFT group has sustained their improvements compared with 69% of the CBT group.

Check out this TEDx Talk from Clinical and Health Psychologist Dr. Peta Stapleton.

Here is a regularly updated directory of EFT research

Matrix Reimprinting is a healing modality that has been built upon the foundations of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), but it has been further developed by Karl Dawson in the UK around 2010. It is a way of using EFT within specific problematic memories allowing individuals to connect with their core beliefs in a safe way that enables them to actively transform these memories into supportive ones for the rest of their lives. This technique has quickly spread around the world because of the profound level of transformation and resolution it swiftly delivers.

The word ‘matrix‘ is in reference to the energy network that is all around us and which we are all connected to. It is based upon the principles of quantum physics, which tells us that everything in this material world is interconnected on an energetic level because everything is energy waves, including us! That’s why past negative events are seen as being held in our body-field, where the subconscious mind reproduces and operates from based on the beliefs and experiences from the past.

The word ‘reimprinting‘ comes from the psychological term ‘imprinting’, which is when a child imprints a situation or learning into their memory which then goes on to create a belief. Most of our core beliefs are formed in the first seven years of our life, we then carry these with us and continue to operate from the point of view of our beliefs in our every day lives. This then shapes the way we see the world around us, and our place within it.

Here’s the basic idea:

When we experience a trauma we go into the fight/flight/freeze response, and a part of us splits off to contain the unbearable feelings so that we can carry on and survive, however this memory continues to live in our local fields. The problem is that when something in your life subconsciously triggers that old memory, you may suddenly have a disproportionate reaction to events, or feel intense emotions that don’t really make sense. What’s really happening is we’re feeling the feelings of a younger self, often without even realising it. So in Matrix Reimprinting that younger self becomes the real client, so to speak, as we work with them directly to resolve the issue and belief at hand that is playing out in ones life. 

Helping the younger self release their distress is only the beginning.  We’re also looking at what they decided in that moment – what they were thinking to make sense of what was happening to them. These decisions often become the core beliefs, or perceptual filters that manifest in unhelpful patterns of behaviour and/or emotional distress in our lives. And the younger the younger self, the more absurd their decisions tend to be.

An example:
A 4 year old is happily playing on the floor with their toy. Suddenly his parents are arguing. In a situation like this it’s likely one would go into the freeze response and might well decide something like: “It’s not safe to play or be happy because something bad will happen.”

As children during stressful situations we often can make decisions about ourselves that impact us, like:
“I’m unlovable”
“The world is a dangerous place”
“People you love will abandon you”
“It’s not safe to relax”
“I have to hide who I really am or I’ll be rejected”
“I must be in control at all times”

With Matrix Reimprinting we have an elegant solution for discharging trauma and shifting the underlying belief system, which begins to change ones entire experience of life. We’re NOT denying that the actual event took place, we can always access the original memory if we wish (though the emotional distress will likely be gone). Instead we resource the younger self with the love and care needed at the time. Our younger self is then no longer trapped, re-living the same horrible moment endlessly. And in turn this helps to create new positive thoughts, feelings, behaviours and beliefs which is ‘reimprinted‘ through the body in a guided meditation type of way.

All of our beliefs are stored in our subconscious mind, and science now proves that our subconscious mind is running the show 95% of the time and is much more powerful than the conscious mind. This is why willpower, positive thinking and affirmations don’t always work. However, Matrix Reimprinting is a bridge between the two minds and has helped thousands of people to find the root causes of old patterns and beliefs. If we change our negative subconscious beliefs into positive ones, the way we look at the world and ourselves changes. 

Here is a list of negative core beliefs which are commonly found:

  • I am not good enough
  • I am not clever enough
  • I am worthless
  • I am useless
  • I must be perfect
  • People don’t respect me
  • I don’t understand
  • I am a disappointment
  • I can’t let things go
  • I am not in control
  • I can’t have what I want
  • I can’t accept things
  • The world is a dangerous place
  • I must sense danger
  • Bad things happen to me
  • It’s bad to say ‘no’ to people
  • People take advantage of me
  • I will always get hurt
  • I am not loveable

If you resonated with any of these beliefs, there will be a memory or memories in the past where you likely made this belief or decision because of an unpleasant experience.

That memory is in fact a younger version of you who is still reliving that event at that moment in time as if it were real, along with the belief system(s) that were formed because of that event.

Fortunately, both EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can help release these beliefs that are holding you back and they can assist to transform your life.

Working on these core negative beliefs is key to seeing the world around us and our place in the world very differently from how we do right now

Modern Mindful Therapy

Guided Bloom

From Overthinking to Overcoming:
Guiding Women through Effortless Change

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land where I gratefully work and live, the Wurundjeri People, and pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging.


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80 Paisley St Footscray, Melbourne